These are some of our success stories:
Presépio ao Vivo de Priscos: The Largest Living Nativity Scene In Europe (100,000 visitors in 2018)
Senhor Padre João Torres
A Moe's Consulting mudou as métricas do Presépio ao Vivo de Priscos, no mundo digital. Com a aquisição dos serviços e profissionalismo do Moe aumentaram o reconhecimento e reputação do nosso evento, aumentou o tráfego no site e aumentou o número de visitas a nível nacional e internacional, nomeadamente do mercado espanhol. Esta empresa ajudou a posicionar a nossa marca no meio digital e a impactar o resultado financeiro. Estou muito satisfeito. Recomendo os serviços desta empresa para quem quer deixar o passado e abraçar o futuro...
EN: “Moe's Consulting has changed the metrics of the Priscos Living Crib in the digital world. With the acquisition of Moe's services and professionalism, the recognition and reputation of our event has increased, the traffic to the site has increased and the number of visits has also multiplied both nationally and internationally, namely in the Spanish market. This company helped to position our brand in the digital environment and to impact the financial result. I am very pleased. I recommend the services of this company to those who want to leave the past and embrace the future...” Sir Priest João Torres