Inviting Portuguese start-ups to participate in a Ph.D. research on “Start-ups Branding.”
Conducting interviews with start-ups’ founders to discover how they build their brands.
To understand how Portuguese Start-ups create their brands and know their brands' stories to bring new practical knowledge to academia and the market.
To turn the lights on for future entrepreneurs and new ventures who could learn from your experience, building more success stories in Portugal.
CEOs, Founders, and Co-founders of successful start-ups in Portugal
Start-ups with less than 12 years, B2b or B2C.
Inviting to participate in a 20-minute interview, online or offline.
I am interested in your brand's story, so this is an informal open interview.
Please share your name and company name in the form below, and I would gladly get in touch.
Moe Bagheri is a final year Ph.D. candidate in Marketing & Strategy at a joint program conducted among three universities in Portugal, namely, Universidade do Minho, Universidade de Aveiro, and Universidade da Beira Interior.
Moe is a Marketing and Entrepreneurship Lecturer at IPAM Porto and Founder of Moe’s Consulting.
Professor Elisabete Sampaio de Sá from Universidade do Minho.
Profeassor António Carrizo Moreira from Universidad de Aveiro.
Thank you
I truly hope you would consider participating in this important effort to document Portuguese start-ups' brand creation process. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
I am thankful to all the entrepreneurs who have already helped me in this process and shared their brands' journey.